About Us
Our Values

Our Values

We care about quality.
We always mind cost reduction.
We strive for perfection in research and development.
Our mission
1. We contribute to a better society by providing cutting edge technology and products.
2. We support our local community with fair business practices and payment of taxes.
3. We provide our employees equal opportunities to realize their goals.
Our guiding principles
1. Prioritizing safety, health, and the environment first.
2. Maximizing customer satisfaction by providing only the highest quality products.
3. Ever increasing our productivity and improving our technical ability.
4. Tirelessly honing our ability to seek out and make use of new opportunities.
5. Following all laws and regulations, building trust one day at a time.

In order to keep growing, it is vital to have human resources who ‘Think” and “Do” actively. Furthermore, it is crucial to create chances for personal growth of all employees who “Cooperate”, “Adapt” and “Grow” for the future expansion of the company.